Tuesday, 5 August 2014

We're Going Through Changes

Hello Everyone!

As you can see I have now changed my blog from Bee-Bop-A-Llula to A Little Bea-Utiful.
The reason for the change is because I wasn't too happy with my other blog and I felt it didn't really have a theme running through it which I didn't like so I thought instead of re-doing all of it, why not just start a new blog with a new title!

This blog will be going down the lifestyle/personal route with fashion and product reviews/recommendations thrown in as much as possible. I think I just needed a fresh start with it really as the other blog was just a tester blog to see if I actually wanted to do it etc. now I know I definitely do, I thought I would start with a new one instead.

Hope you like it!

Bethany xo

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